Happy Dental Program
Happy Tree has always concerned the dental care for disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong. Some people may have difficulties in caring their teeth because of a disability or medical condition, and they may not be able to get to their dental practice. Besides government supports are inadequate, many dentists refuse to provide dental treatment to these special needs patients as they have concerned over the patents' cooperation over dental treatments.
Happy Tree regularly cooperates with the Hong Kong Christian Dentist Fellowship, Leo Club of The Peak, Wai Ji Christian Service, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, The Hong Kong Tuberculosis Chest and Heart Diseases Association, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, as well as over 100 dentists, doctors, nurses and volunteers to provide free dental treatments to the people with special needs. Although providing dental service for people with special needs may be challenging, the smiles from the patients after dental treatments warm our hearts and it is all worth it in the end.